Thursday 12 September 2013

Short Clip - Camera shot analysis

In Class today we watched a clip from 'King Arthur' we looked different camera shots and analysed why they were put in and the effect they had on the narrative of the story. This clip had a many different camera shots such as establishing shots to help identify the setting and show the icy ground which played a big part in the scene. There were close ups so the audience could get a feel for the characters emotion as well as know who the main characters were. Watching this clip helped us to know what to look for during a scene in relation to camera shots. After we watched this clip we were asked to choose a clip of our own and analyse the different camera shots used.

I decided to choose a clip from Insidious. With in the clip there wasn't a wide range a shots used but the camera shots used made a creepy and uneasy scene and created a good narrative to a uncertain situation and as a horror film the shots are there to draw you in.
The first shot I decided to look at was a medium shot which helped to establish his surroundings and the type of environment he was in. It showed the smiling family in a typical family scenario, also it showed that Josh (the male character) was curious and weary of the family. As Josh becomes more intrigued the camera shot changes into a medium close up as he inspects one of the family members.The close ups are prolonged which helps to build the tension as the audience is expecting something to happen but the girl stays motion less. There is another close up where he inspects the mother figure and the and this close up gives you a good view of Josh's expression which helps you get a feel for what Josh is thinking and although he doesn't look scared as such his confusion is well translate to the audience. Further in after Josh hears the gunshots there is a close up of the doll like girl this shows her deranged look and makes the scene feel even more uneasy than it already was. Close to the end on the clip there is a reverse angle shot which begins show Josh looking around and then we see him looked horrified really for the first time during the scene, the camera then switches allowing us to see what he has scene and the family are right there behind him.

From this task I began gaining skill in how to analyse film language and regognise effects that certain shots will have the audience. These skills will help me when I start to plan and film my own media products. 

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