Saturday 7 September 2013

Get Carter car park scene

During my lesson today I was introduced to the short scene from 'Get Carter' I had not seen the film so it was a good opportunity to practice my analyses and interpretation.
At the start of the clip we are introduced into three male characters and instantly we are aware of who is the main character is in comparison to the other two. The two men on the right are in the background and are wearing suits of the same colour. The man on the left seems isolated and closer to the audience and although he is wearing a similar suite it is different in colour which makes him stand out and could suggest importance. We soon find out that the male in the grey suite is the dominant of the three as he throws his cup to the floor in a assertive manner. The other two me do not really react and that's the last we see of them. The shot is now focusing on the male in the grey as he crosses a bridge. In the bottom left you can see a male figure standing in the shadows and walking as other man walks. This detail could be missed but it's there for a reason as the shadows imply that the figure could be more of a darker character. Now this new character comes in to play, on seeing him the man in the grey suite calls out 'Jack' so the audience knows that they are aware of who each other are. The man's body language also changes when he sees Jack, he goes from powerful strides to becoming submissive and arching his shoulders back and this builds up the anticipation of something happing along knowing that they are high up, and soon enough he gets punched in the stomach. After their fight the authority and dominance of the man in the grey suite is passed to Jack and this allows the audience to recognise that Jack is the main character and not to be messed with.

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