Friday 11 October 2013


Whilst becoming more familiar with film language I have come to learn that sound plays a very important role in any media production. Sound is 50% of the over all product and is necessary when it comes to telling the story and holding the audience. With out sound images can become boring and not very stimulating to watch therefore causing the the audience to lose interest. Sound is able to make a film alluring and is able to draw you just as much as the visuals. Personally the reason why I love my favourite films so much is part to do with the soundtrack, certain soundtracks also become iconic with in the world of film such as 'American Beauty'. With out sound, it becomes difficult to immerser the audience in the piece that they are being presented.

Sound is important in every genre but it can be more crucial in some that others, for example films from the horror genre rely massively on the use of sound and sound effect to create that creepy or frightening aspect of a scene. Other emotions that sound can influence are ones of sadness, sad moments where the characters are showing high emotion are often accompanied by sorrowful music which helps transfer the sadness to the audience. However some more shocking scenes are sometimes followed by silence which creates a different impact. A example of sad music playing during a scene is from doctor who.
Knowing more about sound will help me in future productions as I will be able to choose the most appropriate soundtrack that compliments my piece in the best way.

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