Friday 24 January 2014

Script and Shot list for Opening Seqence

This is my groups script and shot list. It is important that we created a script for our final task so that we are able to stay focused and on track whilst filiming. Having a good script will help us to acheive the shots that we want and need in order to make a good opening sequence.

Thursday 23 January 2014

Story Boards for Opening Sequence

Here are the story boards for our opening sequence. We tried  to include a variety of camera shots, movements and angles. We tried to create a clear narative with out telling the whole story and giving too much away.



Since the pitch of our opening sequence we have found that our direction has slightly changed. Our decided genre of drama - mystery now has some supernatural touches in it after we decided to alter the ending. Our original idea was to have the girl walk away in a hurry but we decided that this felt to forced and broke the gentle pace of our ideas in an awkward way. We have now decided to have a the girl be touch on the shoulder, by who is left to questioning. I felt this made a better possible ending for the sequence as it leaves the audience wanting to find out more about the mystery hand.

I think having the change will benefit us and being able to adapt and work with numerous ideas is a good skill for us to practice with in media.

Pitch for Opening Sequence

This is my groups power point of our pitch for are final piece. We decided to include a slide explaining the synopsis and the overall idea of what our opeing scene is going to be about. We used photos in our mood board in order to represent the feel and emotion of what we wanted to create, we also chose two main locations for our opening sequence as well as potentional soundtracks and characters. We decided to have only one character because this helps to get across the feel of isolation and lonliness. Although
we're happy with this pitch we are all open to any changes in ideas that we may have.